
The website was created within the framework of the Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A Slovenia-Croatia 2014–2020 and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and Museum founds. It was a part of the project CROSS-BORDER DESTINATION OF CULTURAL AND GREEN TOURISM CLAUSTRA ALPIUM IULIARUM.

The National Museum of Slovenia wishes to encourage the dissemination and use of information about the Late Roman linear defence system claustra Alpium Iuliarum and expertise that we publish on our website. Therefore non-commercial, educational or personal re-use is authorized, provided the source and author are acknowledged. The citations should also include the URL

Many outstanding individuals contributed to creation of this website to which we would like to express our deepest gratitude. All of the authors are listed below in an alphabetical order.


Blažević, U. Galien, J. Kusetič, T. Lah and S. Rudolf.


D. Badovinac, M. Bedjanič, A. Blatnik, M. Frelih, J. Furlan, U. Galien, A. Golja, B. Gutman, A. Hudoklin, S. Jenčič, D. Klenovšek, J. Kusetič, T. Lauko, M. Lavrič, R. Matejčić, M. Mazija, C. Mlinar, M. Mori, T. H. Oršanič, P. Petru, M. Pršina, M. Rogelj, S. Rudolf, M. Slak, J. Šašel, D. Tome, T. Trebar, D. Trobec, S. Ulrich, M. Urleb, T. Velikonja, M. Vernik, J. Višnjić


archives of Notranjski muzej Postojna, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Hrvatski restauratorski zavod, Ministrstvo za kulturo, INDOK center, Narodni muzej Slovenije, Pomorski i povijesni muzej Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka, Zavod Republike Slovenije za varstvo narave.

Promotional film Claustra Alpium Iuliarum:

Udruga Ukus and Udruga Žmergo.

Geodetic measurement and visualization:

Gearh d.o.o.

Digital reconstructions:

Igor Dolinar and Peter Kos.

Digital reconstruction of Tarsatica:

A. Leliwa, J. Višnjić and V. Višnjić.


MS3 d. o. o.