A new 3D reconstruction of the Ajdovski zid (“Ajdovski wall”) above Vrhnika can be seen on the YouTube Channel of the project Claustra+. It is is the longest known section of the Late Roman claustra Alpium Iuliarum barrier system. It measures over 6,700 m in length and has at least 35 barrier towers. It measures over 6,700 m in length and has at least 35 barrier towers.
The Ajdovski zid barrier, which is located above the westernmost edge of the Ljubljana Marshes, was the first in a series of barrier walls that controlled the main Roman road Emona – Aquileia. The view of the Ajdovski zid barrier was impeccable due to its shape, as all the strategic points on the wall were visible to one another. A good view of the surrounding area was also possible from the entire barrier – the Ljubljana Marshes, the Polhov Gradec Hills (Polhograjsko hribovje) and the Rovte Hills (Rovtarsko hribovje) were visible as well as the Logatec Plateau (Logaška planota), the Menišija Plateau and the edges of the Hrušica Massif (Hrušiški masiv) in the hinterland. The barriers in Rakitna and Pokojišče are also visible from the Ajdovski zid barrier.
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